Justyna Warwas

Justyna Warwas was born in Czestochowa in early 1980s. She finished Jan Dlugosz Univeristy in Czestochowa – the faculty of Artistic Education in the field of Fine Arts. She defended her diploma in painting with honors in the artistic studio of prof. Jaroslaw Kweclich. Simultaneously to her studies in painting Justyna took university courses in photography at the Photography Academy in Warsaw. Justynas developments in artistic fields were recognized when she received Artistic Scholarship of The Mayor of Czestochowa City. Justyna received this prize twice.

Currently Justyna works as an assistant professor at the Art Department of Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa.

Since 2012 Justyna is the commissioner of the International Biennial of Miniature Art

Justyna has a track record of several national and international exhibitions as well as photographic and illustrative publications in polish and foreign press.

Some of Works

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